Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

10/04/2022 - Grill - More Rain

Steady rain at the Grill didn’t deter 6 intrepid PAX.  We initially gathered in the pavilion and then scurried to the bandstand.  It was chilly so we didn’t delay starting the workout.

Warm-a-rama: Trunk Rolls, SSH, Toy Soldiers, Abe Vigoda, Seal Jacks

The Thang — Deck of Death continued.

We picked up where we left off on Saturday with the F3 workout card deck.  We had ~ 20 cards remaining and took turns picking a card and leading the exercise.  We had some good ones and had fun with it.  We were warmed up soon enough and began to shed clothing layers.

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Wall Sits, Freddie Mercury, American Hammer, Box Cutters, Parker Peters, Side Planks, WWI Sit ups, Crab Cakes, BTTW

COT: prayers for Myra and his M, upcoming Life Choices banquet, Potsie’s family business process, and for men who would benefit from F3

Following the workout 4 PAX went to the Westy for dinner.

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