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05/14/2022 - Grill - Monopoly

What’s one to do on a showery kind of day?  Time to pull out a board game and sit around indoors?  Well not really in F3.  However, we did a variation of the board game for our workout.

The Disclaimer was given.

Warm-a-rama: Mosey down the street to “Death Valley” – SSH, Abe Vigoda, Hillbillies, Grass pickers, Side Lunges, BSE, Mountain climbers

Mosey to the band stand.

The Thang – Monopoly

12 Stations were laid out as follows:

Each PAX rolled one dice and traveled to the appropriate station.  If he rolled a six, go directly to Jail, do not pass go.  After 3 times in jail, you are paroled and can roll again instead of doing the burpees.  There was some confusion around this and we made up rules as we went.  We had a lot of guys going to jail (we have a lot of miscreants in our group) and did a lot of burpees.

We kept going for the entire workout (~ 40 minutes).  We all worked up a sweat in the process.  Myra crushed it, earning the most points, with Sheldon and The Rock hot on his tail.  All in all, it was a fun workout.

Potsie gave us a leadership minute from the Q Source on Shield Lock.

COT: PA F3 Convergence the end of June; Prayers for Wilson and his family, Ditto’s granddaughter, Pocahontas illness, Sheldon’s M, and our country.

8 PAX went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria.

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