Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

10/15/2022 - Bee Hive - Men’s HIIT Workout Lehigh Valley PA

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Warmup- trunk rolls, grass pickers, Egyptians, jog in place, high knees, butt kickers, boxing trot, Peter Parkers, Imperial walkers, toy soldiers, Mountain climbers, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, neck stretches, toe touches.
Mosey to playground- partner up. One guy does:
pull ups, the other dips
chin ups, underdogs
Mosey to football field:
Do each exercise below, then mosey a Full lap around the football field to the next station. Pass the station you did prior to the next station.
Station 1: Burpees
2:  Bonnie Blairs
3:  Merkins
4:  Squats
5: Toe touches
 6: V-ups

Indian run back to shovel flag





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