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04/09/2022 - Grill - Matthew McConaughey

The inmates ran the jail this week with Beaker on vacation. 9 PAX gathered in the rain.

Mosey down the parking lot. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, BSE, Plank Jacks

Mosey to the bandstand.

The Thang:

Spring is upon us and the warmer weather reminds us of that summer beach body we will need in a few months. Who better to look to for guidance than Matthew McConaughey (See: Movie, Sahara). Heavy focus on abs, triceps and chest. 5 diamond merkins, 10 wide merkins, 15 squats, 20 LBC, 25 dealers choice. 9 rounds, each PAX getting a turn selecting the “25” exercise (mostly Mary).

Mosey to pavilion, 10 dips in cadence, 10 carolina dry docks. Mosey to pavilion on other end of the park. Repeat 5 times.

Mosey to the bandstand.

Mary: Dealers Choice, starting with box cutters and ending with wall sits.

COT: Ditto’s grand daughter Ember is 10 days old, in the nicu. We closed in prayer.

Off to 412 for breakfast.

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