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01/29/2022 - Ranch - Manliness Is…

I’d read an article earlier this week that shared a particular definition of Manliness, the key element being we need to step up, stand up, do the right thing. There were tasks discussed that men, and dads, should be embracing with out hesitation, among them were:

With those in mind, after some warm-ups, our goal was 100 step-ups, 20 at a time. In between each set we did the following circuit:

After 3 or 4 circuits, it did get a bit monotonous, and yes eventually painful. But much of life is like that. No parade or spot light or trophy; we have to keep doing the right thing simply because it’s right. When we’re called upon as men and leaders, we should already be off the bench, warmed up, and ready to jump in the game, to defend the people that can’t defend themselves, lend a hand when it’s needed, stand up for the right thing. “Manliness is laying down your life for others”. Sounds awfully familiar.

We wrapped with CoR, NoR, CoT, and followed with Q Source at Panera Bread.

Cheers, Downsize

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