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08/19/2023 - Steel Town - Ludy iz Stahly (Men of Steel in Russian).

Stahly = Russian for Steel and somehow “Stalin” means “man of steel.”  Enemy at the Gates – Nikita Khrushchev – YouTube

Two for EBS.  Ran 50 minutes.

Disclaimer accepted verbally by all.

Warm-o-rama: raise the roof, neck rolls, trunk rolls, seal claps, shoulder taps, Peter Parkers, Grass Pickers, Slow Lunges, Merkins.  20 of each, either IC or SC.

“First Peoples” (Canadian term and, while I’m at it, there is a GREAT “First Peoples” museum in Victoria, BC in case you’re ever in that neck of the woods, eh?) Run with last in line doing a burpee before sprinting to front of line.  Three loops of the parking lot.

“Let ‘er Rp.”  Draw cinder blocks, pair up.  Each one of pair does one lift (20 reps) while partner does ab exercise, then change places.  When both have completed the station, then move to the next position.

Squat–American Hammers.



Bench Press–Box Cutters.

Dead Lift–Flutter Kicks.

Clean and Press–Plank.

NB: Little bit of congestion developed.  Need to figure out a clearer way of dealing with that.

OK, that’s done.  On to “Aiken Legs.”  Exercises done IC with no breaks between different exercises.

Step-Ups: 20 each leg.

Squats: 40.

Lunges: 20 each leg.

SSH: IC x 20.

Mary: Alarm Clocks, American Hammers, BBS, some other stuff.

CoT: Count-a-rama; Name-a-rama; Announcements (Manniversary, Lake Champion); Prayers and intentions; Photo.


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