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10/03/2023 - Swamp - Low Intensity Beatdown.

I–at least–considered the IPC to be engaging, challenging, bracing, and intense.  (Actually, I felt stomped into the mud.)  So I prepared a low intensity follow-on.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama: Neck rolls, trunk rolls, swan dives, overhead claps, lunges, mountain climbers, grass pickers, shoulder taps, SSHs.

Mosey to pavilion.

The Thang:

Peter Parkers, IC x 20.

Abe Vigodas, IC x 20.

Shoulder Taps, IC x 20.

Lunges, IC x 20.

Half-Superman, IC x 20.

Fire Hydrants, IC x 20.

Toy Soldiers, IC x 20.

BBS, SC x 20.

Boxcutters, IC x 20.

High Plank, 5 count from each around the circle.

Mountain Climbers, IC x 20.

Merkins, IC x 10.

Squats, SC x 40.

Bird Dogs, IC x 10.

Alarm Clocks, SC x 10.

Imperial Walkers, IC x 10.

I had a lot more on the list, but time ran out.

Moseyish to flag.


NB: It was an experiment.  Looking to work out soreness and stiffness from encounters with our little cinder friends.  Little too un-intense, but it might have worked better on a Sunday or Monday after any of the IPC sessions.  In the future, I’d drop out the warm-up stuff in order to concentrate on the pure body weight resistance exercises.  PAX were willing, as always.

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