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05/21/2022 - Grill - Low Burn

Most of the PAX were away or otherwise occupied but 5 PAX posted to keep the Grill burning including Teardrop and The Rock who arrived a little late despite being pulled out of bed at 3 AM to attend to some issues in the campground.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” — Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Side Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, BSE, Calf Stretch, Cobra/Downward Dog, Mountain Climbers

Mosey back to the pavilion by the shovel flag

The Thang

Upper body: Series of slow Merkins — 1 Merkin 30 seconds down/ 30 seconds up; 2 Merkins 15 seconds down/ 15 up; 3 Merkins 10 seconds down/ 10 up; 6 Merkins 5 seconds down/ 5 up; 15 Merkins

Run lap down to corner of Park and Island streets, back up along the river path (~ 100 yards)

Abdominals: 15 Reverse Crunches; 15 LBCs; 15 Freddie Mercury

Run Lap

Lower Body: 10 Pistol Squats each leg; 10 Lunges (IC); 20 Squats

Run Lap

Mosey to the playground which The Rock astutely surmised that pull ups were in the plan.

Mosey back to the pavilion

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Six Inches, American Hammers, WWI Sit Ups, Flutter Kicks, Parker Peters

COT: Prayers for Klinger’s 2.0, prayers for PAX who are traveling; prayers for Wilson’s 2.0


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