Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

10/02/2023 - Steel Town - Lots of Legs

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-up: Huggy bears IC x 10, raise-the-roof IC x 10, side lunge OYO x 5, pause squats x 5, WGS x 5, low plank Peter Parkers IC x 10, Downward dog – inch worm – cobra x 2, Mountain climbers x IC x 15, SSH IC x 15.

Mosey around the park to pavilion.

Pavilion exercises: dips x15, Derkins x 15, step-ups x 15, pull-up x 5, and underdogs x 10.

Mosey to jump ropes and coupons.

The Thang: jump rope x 40. Jump rope race across parking lot.  Partner wheel barrow race across parking lot.  partner lunge walk with weight across parking lot, with team squats and imperial walkers. jump rope race to shovel flag for penalty burpees x 10.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer, BOM, team picture.

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