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11/03/2022 - Trojan - Leeroy Jenkins & Jacob’s Ladder

Perfect morning for Trojan AO Beatdown 42F and clear skies no wind, 7 HIM’s out for the Leeeroy Jeeeenkins/Jacob’s Ladder beatdown:

Warm A Rama:

Mose around Parking Lot

Moroccan Night Clubs

Imperial Walkers

Toy soldiers

Shoulder Taps

Mt Climbers

Plank Jacks

Side Straddle Hop

Leeroy Jenkins is gaming slang for a person or thing that causes everything to go wrong for everyone else, usually in some extraordinary fashion.

Explain the concept of Leroy Jenkins – at any point in the workout a pax may call out Leeroy Jenkins and force all to sprint to the end of the field, do 5 burpees and walk back. Everyone only gets one and everyone must use one.

10 to 1 Ladder Workout composed of six exercises.

we made it through 6 rounds of Ladder, with all pax shouting Leeroy Jenkins

From <>



Big Boy Sit-Ups


Gas pumpers

Step ups

Ended with COT, NAR, CAR, …good time had by all.


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