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07/15/2023 - Grill - Leave All Men Behind and No Hate

10 PAX initially posted for a humid summer morning workout with Kettle Corn arriving later during the warm-a-rama.

The disclaimer was given (especially since last week General fell and spread rumors that Potsie pushed him!  Yeah, we’re a caring bunch of guys)

Warm-a-rama: mosey to Death Valley for Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Side Lunges, Cobra, BSE

Mosey back to the bandstand

The Thang — Monopoly

Roll a Die and travel to appropriate station; a six will land you in jail (do not pass go); landing on jail or the “Go to Jail, do not pass Go” station will also require you do do your time.  With 10 minutes left to the game we ended the rolling a 6 penalty but Teardrop didn’t get the memo.


Time was called and we found that Myra and Kettle Corn each completed 8 laps around the board.  They had a roll off and Kettle Corn claimed the victory, leaving every other man behind.

Potsie gave the Q point

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Windshield Wipers, Freddie Mercuries, WW1 Sit ups, LBCs, Crab Cakes, Flutter Kicks, Peter Parkers, Wall Sits, and we ended with BTTW!

COT: Pool party at Ditto’s coming up; prayers for 2 infant girls in our community with significant health issues

We ended with our name-rama; this was Myra’s first time with no hate since it was his 30th birthday; Happy Birthday Myra!  We’re going to miss our favorite PAX to hate.  Welcome to middle age.

Most of the PAX made their way to Four Twelve for coffeeteria

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