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03/15/2022 - Grill - Late

The Grill workout was scheduled for 5 PM.  YHC was running errands and was just killing some time until it was time to meet up.  Then a call came from Potsie…where are you?  Turns out I never changed the clock in my truck for daylight savings time.  UGH!  Well the Q was 15 minutes late to the workout.  Fortunately the PAX jumped in and did warm-a-rama on their own.

YHC tried to salvage the plan as best I could.

Ring of Fire — 7 stations (Burpee, Merkin, Kettle Bell Swing, Dumb bell Curls, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers (with a kettle bell), Squats).  1 minute at each station; did a short Indian Run and repeated another set of the stations

Derkins 10 (IC)

MARY — Cat/Cow, Bird Dogs, Glute Bridges, Hollow Body Crunches

COT: Prayers for Ukraine

General joined us and we all went out for dinner.

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