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09/14/2023 - Trojan - Know Your Rights in Lehigh Valley. It Can Save Your A**

LAWYER: What NOT to Say When You Get Pulled Over

Legal beatdown disclamer included with usual F3 disclaimer.

Warmup and stretching.

Mosey. Uh-oh, we just got pulled over by a state trooper.

Protect yourself by knowing the bad answers to police questions and what to say instead.

Defending your rights is something they don’t teach in school.

How do you answer police questions?

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”

I know, I screwed up. By starting with open-ended questions, the cop is trying to get you to talk and admit to things they may not even know about. You’re confessing to something you don’t need to. Don’t fall for the trap.

Correct answer: NO or I would rather not say so I don’t incriminate myself.


Jump squats

Bonnie Blairs

“You don’t mind if I searched the car, do you?”

People often think they’re being cooperative.

Correct answer: Never give permission to search your vehicle, home or person. They’re searching for contraband. A friend, your kids or your kid’s friends may have dropped weed that you don’t know about. There’s ZERO benefit to agreeing to a search. NO SIR, YOU MAY NOT SEARCH.



Diamond Merkins


“Is there any reason for your speed?”

I was just going with the flow. By answering a question like this, you are agreeing that you were speeding.

Correct answer: NO

Big Boys

V ups

Big boy V ups

We did 10 penalty burpees as Slice was late. It was still a pleasure to have him join us 🙂

“Where are you coming from today?”

The bar, a friend’s BBQ, Applebee’s. You’re admitting you were potentially drinking.

Correct answer: My lawyer friend advised me to remain silent so I don’t incriminate myself. Keep it polite, by saying, “With all due respect……….”

Mike Tysons

Extended plank

One handed plank jacks

“How much have you had to drink today?”

I only had two beers.

People think they’re helping themselves by admitting to drinking just a little, but whether you’ve had one drink or 10 drinks, you’re admitting you drank alcohol and are giving the officer evidence for pulling you over.

Correct: I intend to remain silent. I choose to use my 5th amendment rights.


Bonus: Is it illegal to lie to a cop?

Yes. It is considered obstruction of justice.

Is it illegal for a cop to lie to you?

No. I will make sure your sentence is reduced if you admit you’re guilty. Bobby Johnson case.

Respect the police, but…….

Keep your mouth shut!


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