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01/24/2023 - Grill - Just a Minute

Seven PAX descended on the Grill for a twilight workout.  Picasso brought an FNG, his 2.0.  Two new guys over the past two workouts.  I like this trend!

Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Side Lunges, Merkins, BSE, Calf Stretch

Motivators 7 to 1

Take a lap around the park (~1/4 mile); we stoped twice to allow the six to catch up and did Merkins and Squats

The Thang

Just a minute — 10 exercises in 10 minutes; 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest before we start the next exercise:

Mosey to the playground via Franklin Street

Mosey to the bandstand


Mary — Dealer’s Choice: V-Ups, Six Inches, Crab Cakes, Box Cutters, LBCs, High Knees

COT: prayers for Pocahontas’s father-in-law and for Picasso’s upcoming interview.

We named our FNG “Flounder” due to his past swimming competitions.  Welcome, Flounder!

Three PAX went to the Westy following the workout.

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