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02/24/2024 - Steel Town - just 9 bros with goals around a campfire

Disclaimer accepted by all. Lovely 37 degree morning for a beatdown. All PAX were layered appropriately.
warm-o-rama: wonderbras, huggy bears, Cincy toy soldiers, imperial walkers, grass pickers ic x15. 2 sets of trunk rolls oyo 5 each way. Willie Mays Hayes ic x 18. There was a false start which resulted in a round of 5 downs followed by 10 penalty burpees.
the thang: to the campfire for circle share on goals while doing coupon curls, squats, skull crushers, and other assorted exercises. Nice chat with some awesome fellas.
station timeā€¦ 13 glorious stations of doom. 1 rifle/ farmers carry. 2 bbsu 3 staggered Merkins. 4 v ups 5 shoulder shrugs. 6 ww3/bde. 7 box cutters 8. salt shakers. 9 Freddy Mercury 10 shoulder tap Merks 11 heels to heaven 12 Michael Phelps 13 pull throughs. When PAX at station 1 called the six, we rotated stations.
MiniminiMary with 15 count each for OPP against the Units and 15 Peter Parkers.
CoT and amazing life chat fellowship prior to dispersing.

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