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08/18/2022 - Trojan - Hot Shot’s Slow Motion Big Burn Beatdown

Gave disclaimer and shared philosophy of beatdown- slow and hard!


Neck Rolls 10x each way oyo, Air Chair- Al Gore style- 10 count each PAX around circle, Huggy bears 10 oyo, Next group keep your arms up Arm Circles- forward palms down 10 count per PAX, backwards palms up 10 count per PAX, Overhead claps-10 count each PAX around circle, Seal claps-10 count around circle, Air presses- 10 count each PAX around circle, Grass Pickers- 10 count in cadence each HIM, Mountain climbers 10 in cadence each PAX, Motivators- 5 down

Mosey to Playground for The Thang- Slow Pain for Maximum Gain Hold a plank until the six

Side Lunges- 10 per leg, holding each position 5 seconds, 10 in cadence each PAX

Merkins- any style- 10 reps, 5 second down, 5 seconds up, count 1/1000 etc.

Box Cutters- 5 in cadence each HIM

Abe Vagodas- 5 count in cadence each PAX

WW Is- 10 reps, 5 second down, 5 seconds up, count 1/1000 etc.


Moseyed to Shovel Flag- Round of Mary included: Pickle Pushers


Closed with CoR, NoR, announcements. CoT and prayers- for Seuss, Biscuit, Downsize and others travelling as well as of the PAX who didn’t make it to beatdown.

BTW- that is Long Haul behind Hot Shot in the picture pointing out Scooby!

HIMs in attendance: Scooby, Freon, Long Haul, Hot Shot

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