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08/01/2023 - Grill - Hijack

Eight PAX posted for a Picasso beatdown.  It was a beautiful afternoon for a workout in the park. One of the great benefits to having an afternoon workout is that we encounter a lot more people in the park.  It is not uncommon for some kids to join us for parts of the workout.  This time we had a man ride up on his bike during our warm-a-rama and ask if he could join us.  Of course!!  His name is Jack and when Kettle Corn said “hi Jack”, he quipped “don’t say that in an airport”; hence the title of the beatdown.  He was able to hang with us for the first station but then had to take off but he seemed very interested and promised to be back on Saturday morning.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers, BSE, Calf Stretch, Cobra

The Thang:

Four Corners — mosey to corner of Island and Park for the first station, then up Island to Peach Alley and so forth around the park and back to the shovel flag; at each corner stop of chest, leg, and core exercises 20 reps each

Back at the shovel flag, Picasso had some coupons waiting for us

2 teams of 4 each

Team 1: one PAX flip a tire ~ 30 feet while the other 3 did Merkins; each PAX did two rounds of tire flipping

Team 2: one PAX held a cinderblock overhead while lunge walking ~ 30 feet while the other 3 PAX did Big Boy sit ups; each PAX did two rounds each

Flapjack teams

Cinderblock-burpee pass: Stand in a circle and pass the cinderblock around; after passing the cinderblock drop for one burpee; we passed the block around several times.

Yoga: ended the beatdown with a round of yoga — warrior pose, tree pose, cobra, downward dog while practicing deep breathing.

COT: announcements — 5 K sponsored by Three Strands Community Center on August 19th; Lehigh Valley Manniversary on Labor Day; Myra is setting up a Fantasy Football League; Prayer

Another great afternoon with some great guys.  Lots of mumblechatter and fun.

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