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04/01/2023 - Bee Hive - Gonna Ruck Around the Clock

Warmup- There was a bit of lightning and thunder and figured the shovel flag makes a nice lightning rod, so we moseyed to the theater and started there. Jog in place, buttkickers, high knees, side straddle hops, monkey humpers, Imperial Walkers, toy soldiers, Merkins, Peter Parkers.
One man carries a sandbag and moseys around the theater. The rest of the men divide into different stations and do:
1st round-  I brought dumbells:
Concentration curls
tricep extension
overhead press
2nd- body weight- I brought push-up handles
Dive bombers
Diamond Merkins
3rd- Legs
Lunges w sandbag
squat w sandbag
step ups with sandbag
4th- (Abs, Core)
Freddie Mercuries
Plank Jacks
Box cutters
We didn’t have quite enough time for another round I had planned so we did circle burps for 10.
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