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02/04/2023 - Bee Hive - Get Off Me Wall

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Warm – up: IC x 10 – 20. backscratchers, raise the roof, toy soldiers, hill Billys, Abe Vigodas, monkey humpers, SSH, Freddie Mercury, Goof balls, and

Mosey around the building.  2 rounds of  People’s chair count of 10 around the horn.  BTTW count of 5 around the horn, and 20 zebra kicks.

Mosey to coupons.

The Thang. 2 rounds of 15 thrusters, 10 back rows each arm, 15 skull crushers, 10 staggard Merkins, 15 bench press, and 15 overhead press.  Jog across the parking lot after each set.

1 round of 5 curls each around the horn. 1 round of blockies around the horn.

Mary: IC x 10 – Makhtar Inji, no surrender, pickle pushers, j-Los, wife pleasers, half superman, hello Dolly, and one-legged glut bridge.

Coupon clean-up

COT. COR, NOR, announcements, prayer, team picture.

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