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05/31/2023 - Steel Town - Gala Preview

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Warm-up: IC x 10. Michael Phelps, raise the roof, Abe Vigodas, Imperial walkers, ankle grinders, shoulders taps, grass pickers, low Peter Parkers, SSH, Freddie Mercury.

Mosey to playground.

The Thang: mini-Murph. 3 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins, 15 squats, and 15 SSH.

Mosey back to coupons station.

partner exercises. One partner does coupon exercise while the other partner runs to opposite side of parking lot, does 20 jump ropes, and then runs back.  partners flapjack.  Coupon exercises included: thruster, swings, and curls.

Mary: WGS, breathing exercises.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer, picture.

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