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01/06/2024 - Bee Hive - Fun ways to do Burpees!

Cold hi 20’s to low 30’s.  Perfect morning for a beatdown

Pre-Ruck- 4 made it up all the way to Mary.

Start on Time- 6:30

Disclaimer agreed upon by all.

The Q is participating in the MABA (Make Amaerica Burpee Again).  This a CSUP sponsored by the St. Charles region.  The goal is to do 100 burpees a day for 31 days.   That was the inspiration for the Q for this beatdown.

Warm Ups-  Huggie Bears (10 OYO), Shoulder Shrugs (10 OYO), Michael Phelps (10 OYO), Arm Circles forward (10 OYO), Arm Circles backwards (10 OYO)

Stretch right ankle, left ankle, and center.   Hip Stretch Right, Hip Stretch Left
Abe Vigotas (10 IC)
Monkey Humpers (10 IC)
Bobby Hurleys (10 IC)
Parker Peters (10 IC)
SSH (10 IC)
On Six- Stretch right over left, left over right, butterfly
Wife Pleasers (10 IC)

The Thang 1:  Mosey to the end of the parking lot
Burpee Dans-   A combination of Lt. Dans and Burpees.   We lined up at the end of the parking log.  The rotation started with 1 burpee and 4 Lunge walks. We did 3 sets of 1 burpee and 4 lunge walks.  We turned around and 3 sets of 2 burpees than 4 lunge walks.  We turned around and did 3 sets of 3 burpees than 4 lungee walks.  Finally, we turned around for 3 sets of 4 burpees than 4 lunge walks.   For a total of 30 Burpees.

The Thang 2:  Bataan Death March (Modified).   We lined up in the road for a traditional Indian run, but the last person drops down in a burpee than sprints to the front.  We took the longer way to get to the basketball court.  Each PAX did 2 burpees.      32 Burpees Total

The Thang 3:  Doracides     A devious combination of DORA and Suicides with Burpees!      The PAX lined up on the base line and partnered up.    Partner A would perform a static exercise while Partner B would perform suicides with Burpees.  The traveling partner would run to the foul line and do 1 burpee, go back to the baseline touch and run to half court. At half court they would perform 2 burpees and run back to the base line.  He would run to the opposite side foul line and perform 3 burpees and run back to the baseline.    At that time he would switch out with Partner A.  Partner A would do the burpee suicides, while Partner B would do the static exercises.

Static Exercises   75 Merkins, 75 Big Boys, 75 Squats

56 Burpees Total

Thang 4:   recovery mosey to the stage under the pavilion.

Wall of Fire-  Round 1:  Each Pax assumed the Peoples Chair position.   Starting at one side of the line the PAX would stand up and perform 5 burpees.  Once 5 burpees are complete they would assume the Peoples Chair position and the next PAX would perform 5 burpees. Until all the PAX completed.
Round 2:  Same concept, but instead of Peoples Chair the PAX held Balls to the Wall.  The Q was merciful and the PAX only had to do 2 Burpees, instead of 5.   This part was brutal even with the mercy.
63 Burpees Total

Thang 5: walking mosey off the stage to the audience section.
Motivator Burpee Ladder.    Motivators down from 5 at the end of each round of motivators it would be burpees from 1 to 5.
5 Motivators; 1 Burpee
4 Motivators, 2 burpees
3 Motivators, 3 burpees
2 Motivators, 4 burpees
1 Motivator, 5 Burpees
78 Burpees Total

Thang 6:  mosey to the pavilions near the coupons.
Field of Dreams (Modified)      The Q realized we were running low on time, so he modified the Field of Dreams to take place not on a field, but picked for locations near the pavilions to perform the different exercises.

The PAX split up into 4 groups.   Each group went to a different base or station.
Home Plate (near the big Oak Tree) was 10 Burpees
1st Base (near the other big Oak Tree) was Curls with coupons (AMRAP)
2nd Base (Pavilion) was DIPS (AMRAP)
3rd Base (other Pavilion) was Step-ups (AMRAP)
The group at Home Plate would perform there 10 Burpees, while they were performing there burpees all the other groups would perfrom there exercises As May Reps As Possible. Once the Home Plate group was complete everyone would rotate forward 1 base.  Rinse and Repeat until every group gets to do Burpees.

The Q’s orginal plan was to do 2 different rounds, but time was limited and only 1 round was performed.                            88 Total Burpees

Thang 7:  Bataan Death March (Modified) back to the flag.                                                                                                                90 Total Burpees

The Q felt short of his stated mission, 100 Burpees. Which is not good, but is okay.  The Q had a plan (on the weinke), but he deviated from the plan and did not compensate for the deviation.   Another PAX (Spoiler) held him accountable later in the day and the Q had 10 more burpees to complete for the MABA.    That is the greatness of this group.   We get to lead, sometimes it is a success, other times we come up short.  Both times we celebrate the victories and analyze the failures. Also, we are surrounded by other PAX that are out there trying hard things, which sometime we fail at.

2 Minutes for RoM:  10 Bird Dogs (IC), 10 J-Los (IC), and 10 Pickle Pushers

CoT, CoR, NoR, announcements, and prayers

Announcement:  January 28th Ruck around the Trexlertown Preserve.  9 miles meet at the parking lot by the Environmental Center at 1pm.



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