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11/05/2023 - Grill - Four Corners

5 Pax gathered in the gloom on this chilly morning. After we all gathered and began to mosey Beaker broke the news that he had gotten a buck! His first deer kill after a season or two of futility. He has now reached a new level of manhood! There was much mumblechatter this rest of the workout, but we pushed through.

Warm-a-rama: Mosey, Abe Vigoda, side lunge w/ toe touch, toy soldiers, monkey humpers, plank, calf stretch, Best stretch ever, Indian run

The Thang: to the four corners of the Grill

Corner 1: 25 LBCs cadence; 20 Squats cadence; 15 Merkins

Corner 2: 15 WW2s; 20 Forward Lunges cadence; 15 Derkins

Corner 3: 10 Pull ups: 10 Underdogs: 20 Step ups in cadence

Basketball court: NUR: Side shuffle; Karaoke; Suicides

Corner 4: 6 inches; 7 Motivators; 15 Shoulder taps cadence

Corner 1: 15 Freddie Mercuries; 15 Toe Taps; Carolina Dry Docks

Corner 2: 15 Scissors; 15 Forward lunges; Ierkins

A round of Mary ended the WO.

COT: Prayer for several pax’s parents (Dittos, Pocahontas, Picasso) and the Stutzman family as they move through a process of estate planning.

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