Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

05/20/2023 - Ranch - Fish by the Fire

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-up: IC x 10-15 – Overhead claps, seal claps, Hill Billys, Abe Vigodas, Grass pickers, toy soldiers, imperial squat walkers, WGS, Peter Parkers, Freddie Mercury, SSH, mountain climbers and downward dog – inch worm – cobra.

Indian run around the block to pavilion.

Pavilion work: 3 sets of 15 dips, derkins, and step-ups.

Recovery walk to sand pit for coupon exercises.

The Thang: Sand Storm – thrusters x 15, curls x 15, block pull throughs x 14, staggered Merkins x 14, burpee block jumps x 10, back rows x 14, weighted lunge walk with block in high position.

Mary: dealers’ choice IC x 10 included: American hammers, flutter kicks, box cutters, big boys, crunchy frogs, high plank, J-Lo’s, pickle pushers, wife pleasers, monkey humpers, mountain climbers, crab cakes, Rosalita, and a few others that I can’t remember.



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