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03/22/2022 - Grill - First Spring Run

Six PAX posted on the second day of Spring for an afternoon workout.  It turned out to be a beautiful day and the park was bustling with activity.

Warm-a-rama: Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Side Lunges, Cobra/Downward Dog, BSE, Calf Stretches, Plank Jacks

The Thang

Merkin Mile — We ran out to the end of the trail along the river which is ~ 1/2 mile out and back.  We stopped ~ each 1/4 mile to do 25 Merkins for 100 total.  Most of us agreed that we haven’t been running enough and need to work more running back into our routine.

NUR from the bottom of Franklin street up to the playground entrance; mosey around to the pavilion by the bandstand since the playground was full.

15 Dips (IC)

Move to the tennis court: Bear Crawl across and Crab Walk back

Dealer’s Choice: in turn each PAX calls out an exercise for the others to do while they run out ~ 40 yards and back.  Pocahontas was ornery due to having to rush to the workout and then run the Merkin Mile (what did he expect; a walk in the park?!) so he started us off with Burpees.  Other exercises included American Hammers, Carolina Dry Docks, Diamond Merkins, Squats, Side Lunges, and something else I can’t recall.

Mary: Dealer’s choice

It was a good weekday workout.

COT: prayers for Myra and his M as they are now expecting their first child (exciting times!) and Potsie’s father-in-law who is adjusting to life back home.

In typical Grill fashion, 4 PAX stuck around for fellowship over a meal at the Westy.

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