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09/30/2023 - Grill - Fire

It’s hunting season.  That means ~ half of the PAX were out in the woods.  Nonetheless, 7 PAX posted to keep the Grill burning.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to Death Valley at the end of the street for Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Hillbillies, Cobra, Calf Stretch, BSE, Mountain Climbers

Motivators from 7 to 1

The Thang

Mosey to the front of the bandstand


Indian Run to the playground via Park Ave and Franklin Street

Morning Call: Two groups; hold plank, in turn each PAX does 5 pull ups and return to end of plank line; two rounds

Rapid Fire Exercises: do the following in succession without a break:

Q Point by Potsie on Courage

Mosey to the band stand

Fire Drill: PAX in circle; do High Knees, in turn call out “fire” and all drop, roll to right, do a Merkin, roll back to left, do a Merkin and stand up to resume High Knees

Suicides: Sprint to 10, 20, and 30 yard markers

Deconstructed Burpees: ladder from 7 reps down to 1 perfect Burpee

People’s Chair with 10 Cross Punches (IC) and 10 Air Presses (IC)

BTTW 10 count each

Mary: Dealer’s Choice

COT: men’s conference in Baltimore on October 21st — we’ll meet up at 6:00 AM and car pool; workout followed by campfire at Pork Chop’s farm this coming Tuesday; Prayer

3 PAX went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria

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