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09/27/2022 - Grill - Exercise Sampler

Eight PAX initially posted for an afternoon workout.  We were joined part way through the workout by Ringworm.  He hunted us down and found us on the foot bridge.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Huggy Bears, Abe Vigoda, Seal Jacks, Moroccan Nightclubs sobriety style, Monkey Humpers, BSE, Groiner, Peter Parker

The Thang — alternate mosey with an eclectic list of exercises that looked interesting as I planned the workout.

Mosey down the trail along the river

Mosey to the foot bridge

Mosey to other side of the bridge (joined by Ringworm)

Mosey to the corner of Island and Park Streets

Mosey to the dugouts

Mosey to the playground

Mosey to the bandstand

Mary — Dealer’s Choice: 1 round of Abs from each PAX

COT: Congratulations to Picasso on his engagement!  Prayers for Myra’s M and Pork Chop’s daughter as they await the arrival of their child.

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