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03/29/2022 - Grill - Escalators under a Blue Sky

The Tuesday afternoon workout is definitely becoming a routine for the Grill.  We’ll have to make it official soon.

Six PAX posted for a very sunny but chilly workout.

Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Moroccan Nightclubs, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks

The Thang:

Three sets of Four Corner Escalators

Set one — run around the park

Set two — mosey to the basketball court; side shuffle between corners

We practiced learning to count in cadence and had a mini Q school in preparation for Saturday’s manniversary.  Myra will be stepping out and leading the warm-a-rama for the first time.  I’m looking forward to the guys gaining experience and leading our group in new routines and workouts.

We moseyed down to the playground and did Pull ups — AMRAP with assist; Myra impressed by knocking out 21 pull ups mostly without assistance!

Set three — mosey to the bandstand; after each set, run around the bandstand and back on stage:

I am not used to doing a 45-minute workout and we went overtime by 5- 10 minutes; no time for Mary.

COT: prayers for people involved in the horrific 50+ car pile up on Route 81 yesterday; prayers for a little boy named Peter in the church daycare who has a blood disorder.

Announcements: THE GRILL’S 4-YEAR MANNIVERSARY THIS COMING SATURDAY!!!  It will be a great to celebrate our growth as a group and kick off the new season as we continue to realize the mission of F3 in the lives of men.

Following the workout, Beaker, Potsie, Teardrop, and Pork Chop went to the Westy for dinner and were joined by General and Star Burger.  We had a very good time of fellowship.

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