Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

03/11/2023 - Grill - Escalator

It was a winter wonderland on my side of the mountain but just wet once I got to Hamburg.  Five intrepid PAX posted for a damp workout.

Warm-a-rama: Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Monkey Humpers, Toy Soldiers, Plank Jacks, BSE, Mountain Climbers

The Thang — Four Corners Escalator/De-escalator

Mosey to the corner of Park Ave and Island

Mosey to the corner of Island and Peach Alley

Mosey to corner of Peach Alley and Franklin

Mosey to corner of Franklin and Park Ave

Mosey to the pavilion

Mosey to the playground

While at the playground, add the following:

Mosey to the bandstand

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Wall Sits, Squats (to intensify the burn per Pork Chop), Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Scissors, Heals to Heaven

Potsie provided a Q point on Vision with some good mumblechatter around this

COT: Prayers for Pork Chop’s daughter and son-in-law as they complete training for foster care, prayers for child of Klinger’s friends, praise for good report of Woz’s mother-in-law, prayers for Potsie’s father-in-law

Four PAX went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria where we where joined by Ringworm and Ditto.  Good fellowship

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