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06/10/2023 - Ranch - Early Summer Squat-Fest

Conditions: 55°, cool, calm, clear. In addition to the usual suspects, Airmail and Rollover joined the party. Disclaimers agreed to and we got to the workout, focusing on abs, gluten, and quads. After the warmup, we mosey’d to the playground to do our Squatfest routine:

Ground-touch squats
Forward lunge with twist
Standing side crunch
Back lunge pulses (2)/same leg up forward to arm with split-second resistance
Back lunge (other leg)
Woodchops – dumbbell swing (diagonal-up)
SSH with jab
Woodchop other side

Part Deux: we mosey’d to the stage and did a second round of Squatfest.

I put in a wrinkle here and did 5’s starting at 5 motivators and 1 burpee. Then 4 m’s and 2 burpees… and so on.

Block work: woodchop swings, overhead press, forward lunge twist and back lunge pulses, all with the coupon.

Back to the flag for mary, dealers choice. Wrapped at 7:30

CoR, NoR, announcements, prayer requests, CoT.

Hot Shot lead the Q Source under the pavilion, great discussion on prayer, accompanied by iced coffee and donuts.  A great morning! Thank you lads, for the opportunity to lead.

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