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11/14/2023 - Grill - Dominoes, Destroyers, and … Tabata

Failed in trying to alliterate the back blast title; probably didn’t try hard enough.  Five PAX posted for a dark but mild workout at the Grill.  We had the pleasure of Kettle Corn’s company to start off the workout.  He is progressing well with his achilles injury.  He joined us for our warm-a-rama and the first couple of routines and then had to take off.

Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, Monkey Humpers, Cobra, BSE, Bird Dogs

The Thang

5 Plank Destroyers (“borrowed” from Slice’s Trojan back blast): 2 Maktar N’ Jie (IC) (one each starting with alternate arms), 1 Merkin, 1 Shoulder Tap (IC), 1 Plank Jack = 1 Destroyer

Dominoes: Line up along curb shoulder to shoulder; hold plank with Left arm extended for Iron Cross; in turn each PAX does 3 Merkins down the line.  Repeat with holding Right arm extended

Mosey to the pavilion

5 rounds of Tabata: each round consists of 8 cycles of 20 seconds of work/10 seconds rest for total of 4 minutes

Mosey to the bandstand

Mary: Dealer’s Choice

COT: prayers for Picasso and his family during the loss of his father this week; prayers for Pocahontas’s father-in-law who continues to have medical complications; prayer for him and his M as they deal with the ongoing hospitalization challenges

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