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11/18/2023 - Bee Hive - Destroy Bad Habits, Form Good Habits Beatdown

Disclaimer given.
Warmup: arm circles 10 forward, 10 reverse, overhead claps (In cadence), Moroccan night clubs (IC), Merkins (IC), Imperial Walkers,
2 sets (Jog in place, high knees, buttkickers, boxing trot)
World’s greatest stretch, Toy soldiers
Mosey to pavilion with coupons by coupon storage area.
When I was in my early 20’s, I wanted to shed some weight.
Eating when I wasn’t hungry.
so I started a diet.
I was Motivated. As the Days went on I became less motivated.
One evening, my dad said, let’s go to dinner.
We went to a Nice Italian restaurant. I Wanted to eat healthy. I said to myself, “Hmm……what kind of salads do they serve?”
Why don’t you just eat? My motivation was faltering and I caved.
So, Ordered the good stuff:
Linguini with clam sauce
What happened? Why did I falter?
F3 men are HIMs- ever adapting, getting better everyday. We shed bad habits and instill good ones.
Each man should think of a habit they want to break or a good habit they want to form. We will use visual cues for helping us form good habits. Each PAX gets a glass. I provided beads that everytime we complete a set, a bead goes in the glass. This is a visual cue to see that we are making progress in creating good habits. This helps us stay focused when the Flux happens- and it always does.
Merkins, Thrusters x 5
Merkins, Thrusters x 5
Merkins, Thrusters x 10
Merkins, Thrusters x 10
Blockees, Vups x 10
Manmakers, Curls x 10
Overhead press, Hand release Merkins x 10
Uh oh…..we decided to binge watch Netflix and stuff our face with Doritos.
We Feel like crap the next day and it Threw us off so we decided to ditch our good habit forming!
But, it’s only one day……….
It’ll be fine, Lol!
Flux (ups and downs)
This lesson is about Putting in the reps when you don’t want to. ……..Consistency.
5 Merkins, then Merkin mosey for 5, then 5 pushups and back for 5 Merkin Moseys
5 Merkins, then Merkin mosey for 10, then 5 pushups and back for 10 Merkin Moseys
6MOM- we had two minutes left for stretching.
Count/Name arama
Prayer requests/praises
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