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04/09/2022 - Bee Hive - Deciphering Food Package Labels and Ingredients Beatdown

Men’s workout at Emmaus Community Park, Emmaus, PA

Warmups- jog in place, high knees, butt kickers, boxing trot, Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers, Grass Pickers
Most fruit juices contain a whopping amount of added sugar. Divide the number of grams of sugar by four to decipher how many teaspoons of sugar there are per serving.
Mosey to pavilion to work off the sugar
Diet Sodas
No sugar, but has chemicals- Aspartame artificial sweetener
Can affect mood and cause long term effects
Drink water instead, club soda with squeeze of fruit, tea
30 plank jacks
Wheat bread contains enriched flour which spikes insulin levels and causes obesity.
Look for 100% Whole Wheat
Pull ups, in and outs on picnic bench, Merkins
Mosey to pavilion
Pre-packaged salad-
22g Fat and 4 grams of sugar
Dips, leg raises, step ups, step ups with knee raise, squats, squats with jump
Mosey to pavilion
5- Fat free cheese-
Fat in cheese is what makes cheese taste good. Since fat is removed, ingredients are added for taste (added salt, chemichals). Also has cellulose (sawdust).
V-ups, chin ups, Burpees
Large companies, Nestle, Pepsi, Cargill put profits before people.
Buy organic, shop local, farmer’s markets.
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