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02/19/2022 - Grill - Death March, Stairways, Dragons, and an FNG

The February trend at the Grill continued…another FNG.  We’ve had a domino effect with an FNG two weeks ago inviting one who came last week and he, in turn, brought another today.  Love it!

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Warm-a-rama: mosey to bandstand; SSH, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Reverse Lunge, Peter Parker, Alternating Side Planks, Calf Stretch

The Thang

Bataan Death March — Indian run around the field; last man drops to do 3 Burpees, runs to front of line while the last man drops to do burpees.

Arrive at the stairs by the playground.

Stairway to Seven — 1 Burpee and 1 Irkin at bottom of steps, run up the stairs; 1 Squat at the top.  Run back down.  Repeat 7 times, increasing number of reps each time to 7 Burpees, 7 Irkins, and 7 Squats

We took a breather to review the 2nd principle of leadership — Language, the lexicon of virtuous leadership.

Mosey to the field

Welsh Dragon — Bear Crawl 4 steps, 1 Merkin, 1 Plank Jack, 1 set of Shoulder Taps; Bear Crawl 4 steps and increase reps by 1.  Continue until we do 10 Merkins, 10 Plank Jacks, and 10 sets of Shoulder Taps.

Mosey back to the playground

Mosey back to the field

DORA — pair up; 1st PAX does exercise while the 2nd runs ~ 50 yards out and back.  Complete cumulative total of 50 Merkins, 100 LBCs, and 150 Squats

Mosey to the bandstand

Mary — Dealer’s Choice — Flutter kicks, Cross Crunches, Wall Sit, Crunchy Frogs

COT: our FNG was named “Sheldon” which is appropriate for a PhD student studying physics.  Prayers for Wilson’s M who is dealing with health issues.


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