Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

07/26/2023 - Steel Town - Crip Camp.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Bunch of guys just back from (or still on) IR.

Warm-o-rama.  Neck rolls, trunk rolls, couple of PT neck exercises I learned after I got clobbered, small arm circles, huggy-bears, squats, Peter Parkers, high planks with shoulder taps, Merkins.

Mosey to pavilion.

The Thang.

Merkins IC x 10; BBS x 20, Squats x 30.

Pull-ups, OYO/OBE; LBCs IC x 10; Vulgarian Split Squats x 20 each leg.

Diamond Merkins IC x 10; High planks, count around to 10; Step-ups x 20 each leg.

Decline Merkins IC x 10; American Hammers x 20; Elevator Squats x 20 (I need to review the directions).

One-Arm Tricep Extensions, 10 each side; Commandos (I forget the F3 name) IC x 10; Alternating side squats IC x 10.

Also did some dips in there.

Mosey to flag.

CoT and envoi.

Lessons Learned: Felt like I was pressing to get in a bunch of stuff.  Really a creature of habit with a high tolerance for my own nonsense.  Kind of beat down that I like (bunch of pretty standard calisthenics so I can consistently work on same muscle groups and measure progress–if any).  Doesn’t mean that it is the kind that everyone likes.  PAX were–as always–great about this.  All the more reason to try to change it up from time to time.   So, I need to think about/consult with others about this issue.

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