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06/28/2022 - Grill - Covering the Q

It was a bit touch and go.  I wasn’t sure I’d be able to post for the workout and Potsie was scheduled to Q.  Got a call about 45 minutes prior to the workout that he was running late from a meeting and it turned out that I was just finishing up my project helping some friends butcher chickens of all things.  Potsie texted the weinke to me and I got to the Grill in time for the workout.  Teamwork!

Seven PAX posted for a perfect June afternoon workout in the park.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to the dugouts; Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers, BSE, Calf Stretch

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag

The Thang — Wilt Chamberlain

Run lap around the bandstand, and by the pavilion

Repeat 3 times for a total of 100 reps each and 4 laps

We each took turns leading each exercise count throughout the routine.

On the second round, the General stopped by to inspect our progress and offer his commentary on our performance.  Our squats were rather funny; we looked like we were riding a carousel as be bobbed up and down in different cadence.

Prior to the General leaving we had chance to pray for him with his recent health issues.  It was good to see him at the park.

We didn’t have time for another full set of Wilt Chamberlain but we did a sample:

Almost out of time.  I asked if anyone had a final exercise they were burning to do and Myra piped up and had us do a round of Abyss Merkins!

It was a good time with fun banter and camaraderie.

COT: prayers for Pork Chop’s family with imminent arrival of a new grandchild; also for prayers for loss of an extended family member; Picasso’s work schedule, Oreo’s continued recovery from knee issues, Star Burger’s efforts to organize Church in the Park which will begin this coming Sunday throughout July and August.

Picasso suggested we plan a kayak river trip.  We had a lot of enthusiasm for this and hope to get a date scheduled in the very near future.

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