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07/29/2023 - Steel Town - Coupon curls again

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Peeps led warm-o-rama:
Casey Kasems, arm circles, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers, toy soldiers, imperial walkers, Peter Parkers, and monkey humpers.

the thang: 50 coupon curls, 15 Timmy Millers (this one was for Beta the basketballer that he is): using a brick and crossing over (Tim Hardaway style) with left leg forward and then right leg forward before a jump shot (the Reggie Miller way) motion while holding onto the brick.
mosey up to the fire station for peoples chair, balls to the wall, and finish with peoples chair.
mosey back down for second set of 50 coupon curls and 15 merkins. Conaoke (Papa 🐻style karaoke) to shovel flag and bag for final set of 50 coupon curls.
mosey to basketball court for 15 dips. Minimosey for 15 underdogs/ tree hugging. Back for 15 more dips followed by minimos for 15 underdogs/ squats. 15 dips, 15 stepups each side.
mosey back to parking lot for 25 slow count coupon curls.
Mary: American hammers, fred mercurys, JLos, fire hydrants, flutter kicks, and box cutters.

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