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08/20/2022 - Grill - Co-Q

Nine PAX converged on the Grill for another beautiful Saturday morning beatdown.

Once Sheldon arrived the disclaimer was given and we kicked off the workout.

Warm-a-rama: mosey up the street to “Death Valley” where Pocahontas gave us Arm Circles forward and reverse, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Hillbillies, Toy Soldiers, Merkins, BSE, Calf Stretch

Mosey back to the shovel flag

The Thang: Pocahontas led a partner routine with coupons followed by a 10-minute leg workout lead by Woz

Partner up; P1 does reps with a 25-pound weight while P2 sprints out ~ 50 yards and back; flap jack.  After P1 returns, plank.

Three rounds; in between each exercise we did a 10-count plank for each PAX; second round we did Ab exercises between each exercise; third round we did Bird Dogs between each exercise.

We were all a sweaty mess by the time we were done.

Leg Exercises:

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Flutter Kicks, In/Out, Step Ups, Freddie Mercury, Superman

COT: a hike from Potsie’s house to Beaker’s house via the AT is being planned for a Saturday in September; more details to come.  Prayers for upcoming Community Day in Hamburg on Sunday August 28th; thanks to all the F3 men who will be assisting with the set up!; prayers for Thumper’s neighbors

6 PAX went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria and fellowship.

Another great start to the day!

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