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05/14/2022 - Ranch - Cinder Block Pop, Squat, and Hop

Conditions: 65° Cloudy Skies

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon.


·         Jog in place

·         Butt kickers jog in place

·         High knee jog in place

·         Wide high knee jog in place

·         Twist and pivot

·         Arm circles. Forward and reverse. Small and Large.

·         Standing elbow curls

·         Imperial walkers (cadence)

·         10 Merkins (cadence)

·         10 Shoulder taps (cadence)

·         5 Push-up lunges each leg (cadence)


The Thang:

We had 8 main moves. Every other move used a coupon for resistance and every other move used a coupon as a prop or did not require a coupon at all. Reps are listed below for each set.

·        Curls with coupon: 20, 25.

·        Burpee Block Jump: 10, 10.

o   Normal burpee but you jump from one side of the coupon to the other side during the jump.

·        Front Squats with coupon: 15, 20.

·        Rocky Balboas: 15, 15 (in cadence).

·        Bench with coupon: 40, 35

·        Heel Taps: 15, 15 (in cadence).

o   While seated on your six you tap the heels of your feet on the floor next to one side of the coupon, then lift your heels over the coupon and tap them on the floor on the opposite side of the coupon.

·        Lunges with coupons. 12, 10 (each leg)

·        SSH: 15, 15 (cadence).

After round one (first set of each exercise) we did an Indian run to the playground where we did a max set of pull-ups. Afterwards, we did an Indian run back to the coupons to begin round two. After round two, we repeated this. The Indian runners ran the longer way to the playground so that those who walked arrived at the same time.

We had to modify this workout slightly since some of our coupons were missing or destroyed. We split up into two groups. Group one did a coupon exercise while group two did a non-coupon exercise then we switched.

X-Man’s Bench:

·        On ground next to picnic bench 10 Merkins in cadence

·        15 step ups on picnic bench in cadence

·        20 in-and-outs on picnic table in cadence

·        15 dips on picnic bench in cadence

·        Low plank for 10 seconds counted by each PAX

Round of Mary: Grass pickers, Motivators from 5, Flutter Kicks, and Box cutters.

Ending in COT

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama

Announcements, Prayers

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