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03/30/2023 - Trojan - Chopsticks Day

Cool windy 21 F morning in the gloom….6 pax willing and ready for Chopsticks beatdown.

Warm a rama: SSH, Squats, Side Lunge, Moroccan Nightclubs, IW, shoulder taps, mt climbers, world greatest stretch.


After the mosey we circled up for the first exercise below.  After each letter, one of the PAX, in order of age – from youngest to oldest – grabbed the sandbag and started to take off around the 0.1 mile loop.  Once the PAX started moving, the rest of the guys did 5 SSHs in Cadence and then TOOK OFF after the guy with the sandbag.


YHC explained that IF the guy with the 40# sandbag got back to the starting point FIRST, then all of the other PAX would do 5 penalty burpees.

Man, you never saw a guy with a 40# (35 actual) pound sandbag move so fast as these guys!  Truly some rock solid men!

C Carolina Dry Docks 15X IC

H Hand Release Merkins 15X OR Hillbillies 15X IC

O Outlaw – 10X to the left, 10X to the right IC

P Plank Jacks – 20X

S Squats, Copperhead – 20X

T Tempo Merkins 15X IC

I Imperial Walkers 15X IC

C Crabs, – 15X

K Knerkin – Aka “Chuck Norris” Knuckle Merkins – 10X IC

S Sweat Angels – 15X IC


After spelling everything out, and the last man made it around the circle we did a final mosey lap and then did a hot potato. PAX form a circle with everyone facing out. PAX then pass a heavy object (in this case the 50# sand bag) around the outside of the circle while in squat position. We went first to the right, then the left.  Then back to the left, and then the right again.

Count, Name, COT…praises for Walter’s recovery. Focus on Easter. Men not in COT.

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