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11/30/2023 - Trojan - Chain of Fools.

One for EBS.

Also present: PAX from Schnecksville whose name I caught as “Broken,” but I can’t find that or anything like it on the drop-down.

Disclaimer accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama: Neck rolls, Trunk rolls, Overhead claps, Seal claps, Abe Vigodas, Shoulder Taps, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers, Grass Pickers, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Toy soldiers, and SSHs.  Most IC x 10.

Mosey to crosswalk beside the BB court and back to pavilion.

The Thang:

Five (of Six possible) three exercise “links” in a chain of misery.

  1. Merkins, IC x 1o; American Hammers, IC x 20; Squats, SC x 30.

2. Dips, OYO x 20; Boxcutters, IC x 20; Step-Ups, OYO, 15 per leg.

Round of circle burps.

3. Decline Merkins, IC x 10; LBCs, IC x 20; Split Squats, OYO, 15 per leg.

4. Full Decline Dips (feet up on bench opposite), OYO x 20; V-Ups (w/o coupon), OYO x 10; Alternating Side Squats, IC x 20.

Round of circle burps.

5.  Diamond Merkins, IC x 10; BBSUs, SC x 30; Elevator Squats, IC x 20.  Need to practice the latter at home to get the count right.

One Minute of Mary.  (Time got short.  What do you want, eggs in your beer?)  Australian snow angels.

CoT: count-o-rama; name-o-rama; prayer; photo; envoi.

Grateful for the chance to lead.  Grateful for the comradeship of these men.  Drove east into the dawning day.

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