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03/18/2023 - Grill - Catch Me if You Can

10 PAX posted for a chilly late winter workout.

Warm-a-rama: Mosey to “Death Valley” for Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Side Lunges, Merkins, Downward Dog/Cobra

Motivators 7 to 1

Mosey back to the shovel flag

The Thang — Catch Me if you Can

Line up in perceived slowest to fastest order

First man takes off to run the loop to the corner of Island and Park, over to the river trail, and back around to the shovel flag.

As soon as he takes off, the second man leads the group in the first exercise from the list below, passes the list to the next man and take off to try to catch up with the first runner, continue until all men have a chance to run the loop.

Repeat for total of 3 rounds (10 reps first round, 5 reps second round, 3 reps third round):

Move to the pavilion and partner up

Time out for Potsie to share the weekly Q point on Articulation of Vision

Flapjack and then repeat for another full round

Mosey to the playground

Mosey to the bandstand

Mary: Dealer’s choice — one round for total of 10 ab exercises

COT: The Grill’s 5-Year Manniversary is coming up in 3 weeks; men going to The Bridge Church will hand out flyers prior to each service this Sunday; Prayers for the son of a friend of Klinger who is going through some significant health issues

Following the workout we were joined by Oreo.  Some men went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria and some drove to Allentown for a men’s conference.  While at the conference we had to pleasure of meeting Monopoly from F3 Lehigh Valley

In addition, on Sunday at The Bridge Church, Doubtfire from F3 Fleetwood was the guest speaker.  F3 men are showing up everywhere!

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