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05/07/2024 - Bee Hive - Burpee Ball

Warm up.


Neck Rolls

Trunk Rolls


Huggie Bears


Moroccan Night Clubs

Abe Vagotas

Grass Pickers


Parker Peters

Plank Jacks


Parking Lot tracers



The Thang

Mossey to the 4 pavilions, 2 exercises each pavilion.

Dead hang & Derkins, Bench presses & Dips, Pull ups & Box jumps,Shoulder Shrugs & Dry Docks.

Mossey to basketball court.

Half, full, half court burpee suicides.

30 seconds to line up youngest to oldest, without communicating numbers.  ( Successfully done, no burpees).  Counted of in 3’s to make teams.  1 team massed back to the pavilions for same 8 exercises, while the other 2 played Burpee Ball.

BURPEE BALL : 3v3 full court basketball.  Scoring team does 5 SSH while the other team does 3 Burpees.  5 burpees or Merkins for committing a Foul.  Play continues until the exercising team returns, then another squad does the pavilion work out.

Ended with a set of Bobby Hurleys, followed by another pair of burpees for “ missing shots “ during Bob H’s





Sweat & Smiles had by all.   Thanks Men


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