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03/25/2023 - Grill - BOMBS

We were able to beat the rain for our Saturday morning workout.  7 PAX initially posted with Potsie arriving late and having to run to catch up with us for warm-a-rama.  He still beat Teardrop and The Rock (who just celebrated his 15th birthday!) who pulled in and parked at the far end of the parking area where we were in the midst of warm-a-rama.  It was great to have Slim Shady back with us!

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Downward Dog/Cobra, BSE, Mountain Climbers

Mosey back to the parking area

The Thang


Complete one BOMBS

~ 30 yard Bear Crawl

Complete second BOMBS

~ 30 yard Lunge Walk

Complete third BOMBS

Mosey to the playground; some impertinent PAX chided me for taking the direct route; I fired back that if they wanted to do things differently they could Q next week!

Morning Call: Two lines of 5 PAX each; while PAX held plank, each PAX in turn got up to complete 5 Pull ups; 2 rounds

We took a break for Potsie to continue the Q point on Articulation

15 Dips (IC)

Pork Chop related that he was engaging some men in an EH for F3 in his small group and noticed that his arms were getting pretty buff as a result of F3 (he said his M concurred and we said he was beginning to get into to much information…); however kudos to Pork Chop for articulating the vision and benefits of F3!

Power Skip from the pavilion to the concession stand and then mosey back to the parking area

Complete the fourth and final BOMBS

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Plank Inch Worms (a new ab exercise brought to us compliments of Ringworm), BTTW, Wall Sits, Peter Parker

COT: 5-Year Manniversary in 2 weeks!; prayers for Potsie’s M and family as her father nears end of life, prayers for victims of the explosion in Reading, prayers for the son of a friend of Klinger who is going through chemotherapy, prayers for Pocahontas’s father-in-law with his recent hospitalization and procedure

All men descended on Four Twelve for coffeeteria where we were met by Ditto and the General.  Slim Shady even gave us a preview of his latest rap lyrics!  Good fellowship, good times.  Grateful for each of these men.

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