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03/05/2022 - Bee Hive - Beep Test

Rhyming Disclaimer accepted verbally.

Warm-up: OYO  x 5 – neck rolls, trunk rolls, arm circles, circle arms.  IC x 10-20 – Imperial walkers, toy soldiers, overhead claps, side lunge, SSH, goof balls, monkey humpers, calf raises, Peter Parkers, Freddie Mercury.

Mosey to playground.

The Thang: 3 sets of 3 round of pull-ups, underdogs, and tucks.  30 seconds of exercise, 30 seconds of transition.

Mosey to basketball court for 8 levels of beep test.  Einstein and Lock made to the 9th level and I called time.

Mosey to volleyball court with weights.

Weighted exercises x 15 with two 15 lb. dumbbells. curls, back fly, thrusters, tricep press, back row, skull crushers, chest fly, and man makers.

Mosey back to shovel flag.

Mary: IC x 10-20 – American hammers, box cutters, J-Lo’s, pickle pushers, wife pleasers, crab cakes, flutter kicks, scissor kicks, and half-superman.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, and prayer requests.

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