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04/29/2023 - Bee Hive - Back scratchers

Started with simple warm ups. Arm circles, seal claps, overhead claps, air presses, grass pickers, toy soldiers, and side shuttle hops.

We then did a short mosey in the mist around the lower section of the park to the Amphitheater. Jumped right in with what I call Manmakers w/ a twist. Coupon at your getting squat pick up coupon stand straight with coupon straight out in front of your chest proceed to an over head lift then a curl behind your head (back scratcher) down to plank a merkin then alternating merkins and repeat 5 times.  Down on our 6 for some bigboys with coupon on our chest, back to plank on coupon for some shoulder taps back on 6 for LBCs while holding coupon, back to plank for Angle Grinders off the coupon and back to 6 for American Hammers while holding coupon.
Up to the wall for a 5 count round the pax wall sit then with alternating left leg and right leg out. We then visited Balls to the wall cousin, Ascending Testicles for a 5 count on each Durkin.
Another short Mosey to the pavilions for some chin ups, table lifts, Abyss Merkins, and ABCs.
Back to the Amphitheater and repeat. We got 2 full rounds in before our Round Mary of core exercises chosen by each pax.

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