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07/05/2022 - Swamp - Alphabet Beatdown

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon.



The Thang:

Start with a die numbered 1-50. The first pax picks an exercise with the letter “A”. He rolls the die and the PAX do the exercise he chooses and the number of reps will be whatever the die lands on (e.g. If the letter is “A” and the number “30” is rolled, then do 30 American Hammers or any exercise that starts with “A”). Then, the next letter will be “B” and so on. Take turns rolling the die and choosing an exercise. Then it’s just rinse and repeat.

The following exercises are what we did today.

  1. Arm Circles
  2. Burpee
  3. Carolina Dry Docks
  4. Dips
  5. Everest
  6. Freddy Mercury’s
  7. Gorilla humpers
  8. Heels to the Heavens
  9. Inch worms
  10. J-Los
  11. Butt-Kickers
  12. LBCs
  13. Merkins
  14. Newton’s Cradle
  15. Outlaws
  16. Plank Jack
  17. Quadraplexes

I kept a list on hand (shown below) so there would be an exercise ready if no one could think of one

Tips/Advice for the future:

Round of Mary

Ending in COT

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama

Announcements, Prayers

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