Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

01/21/2023 - Grill - 5 on 5

When we showed up DrewZ was there. He recently moved into the area from Chicago and had been involved with F3 there. We were glad he joined us! Mr. Green showed up for the first time in awhile! We mosied to the playground pavilion where we warmed up with Abe Vigodas, Grass pickers, Side lunges, Toy Soldiers, Calf stretches, Shoulder taps, and Best Stretch Ever.

The Thang: 5 on 5: 5 exercise blocks, 5 exercises per block, 5 sets each with cardio between each set.

Set 1: Mosey, 5 Merkens, 10 LBC, 15 Squats, 20 Plank jacks, 25 SSH

Set 2: Nur/Suicides, 5 Wide Merkin, 10 American hammers, 15 Alternating Reverse Lunges, 20 Mountain Climbers, 25 Overhead claps

Set 3: Sprint/jog, 5 Burpees, 10 Box cutters, 15 Heal Raises, 20 Forward Lunge, 25 Imperial Walkers

Set 4: Mosey, 5 Derken, 10 Flutter kicks, 15 Dips, 20 Peter Parkers, 25 Step ups

Set 5: Mosey, 5 Motivator from 5, 10 Ierken, 15 Planks, 20 Freddie Mercuries, 25 Seal Claps

Apollo showed up as we were finishing. He is recovering from surgery. It was great to see him!

Announcements: Maniversary coming up on Apr 1. Myra invited us to on March 18.

COT: Pocahontas’s father-in-law will have a pacemaker put in; DrewZ asked for peace for a friend; Potsie has some important upcoming business mtgs and a 2.0 (Noah) got engaged.

5 pax went to 412.

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