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06/15/2022 - Grill - 40 minutes of Hell (Nolan Richardson)

The Disclaimer was given.

Warm-O-Rama: Mosey, Abe Vigoda, Imperial walkers, Grass pickers, Plank, Calf stretch, Best stretch ever, Mosey 

The Thang: Nolan Richardson aka “40 minutes of Hell.”

We partnered up. Partner 1 NURed (run backwards), did a Bobby Hurley, and then ran back to Partner 2. Partner 2 did side straddle hops until Partner 1 returned. They kept rotating until 150 Side straddle hops were completed. Doing the same rotation (exercise, run, exercise) between the two partners we did 150 dips, 300 squats, 150 big boys, and then finished up with another 150 dips since it was too hellish to do 300 the first time!

We finished with a round of Mary, dealer’s choice: In and Outs, American hammers, Scissors

COT: continue prayer for Ditto’s granddaughter

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