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07/23/2022 - Grill - 12 Days of Christmas in July

Six PAX posted to the Grill for a hot and sweaty Christmas party.

Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Side Lunges, BSE, Calf Stretches

Mosey back to the shovel flag with a stop at one of the small pavilions to knock out some Pull ups

The Thang — 12 Days of Christmas — this was modeled after a Valley Forge back blast

Start with day 1 the day 2 + day 1, day 3 + day 2 + day 1, etc.

  1. Merkin and a Burpee (12 total)
  2. LBC IC (22 total)
  3. Plank Jacks IC (30 total)
  4. Reverse Lunges IC (36 total)
  5. Dips IC (40 total)
  6. Monkey Humpers IC (42 total)
  7. Mountain Climbers IC (42 total)
  8. Big Boy Sit ups (40 total)
  9. Bonnie Blairs IC (36 total)
  10. Box Jumps or Step Ups (30 total)
  11. Diamond Merkins IC (22 total)
  12. American Hammers IC (12 total)

Run a short recovery lap down the street and back along the river trail

Now the fun part that I gleaned from the Valley Forge guys — do it in reverse

12 American Hammers, then 11 Diamond Merkins + 12 American Hammers, etc.

The sweat was profuse and we ran out to time when we got to the 5 golden dips.

Good work men!

COT: prayers for Woz who is still dealing with Covid; prayers for Teardrop’s family who had a memorial service for his M’s grandparents


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