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10/07/2023 - Ranch - 10 Best

After watching this informative vid from the Fit Father Project on the 10 Best Foods for Weight Loss, Energy, & Health, YHC opted to create a workout focusing on each – along with WHY they make the list. I appreciate FFP as they offer straight forward solutions to a healthier lifestyle for both exercise and diet. They also sell a ton of programs for both but it’s up to you on purchasing or if you’d just like to be informed, like me.

Conditions: 64 degrees, partly cloudy at 5:30am when 3 of us headed out for a 4 mile Early Bird Special. By 6:20 we’d returned and gained more pax for the work out when an unfamiliar car rolled up. It was Quadzilla! Good to see you ITG. 5 pillars agreed to, we got to it.

Warm up: Mosey around the park to the main field in front of the stage to circle up and do 8 minutes of the standard stuff – from Casey Casums to Merkins.

The Thang: 10 Best Foods for Weight Loss, Energy, & Health paired up with exercises in bold & discussion for each.

  1. Chia seeds – healthy fats, fiber, protein, heart, brain. Soak them in coconut milk with stevia, to make pudding – very filling! Burpees! 2 – 4 – 6 on each successive level of the big hill.
  2. High quality eggs – nutrient powerhouses, loaded, better for your heart and brain, and muscle building. Yoke should be more orange. Mosey to shed, Coupon Carry to Pavilion. Speaking of yolks and carrying burdens, it was the perfect segue to some scripture:Matthew 12: 28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    As we were ferrying the coupons over, I asked the PAX to share their view on each verse and what they meant. What followed were not 15 second ‘pebble opinions’ but an in depth 5 minute discussion that I dared not interrupt, with input from everyone. Our conclusions were straight forward: This passage was not about God carrying our burdens but instead putting ours down, obeying God, and carrying His. It’s there we’ll find rest, and even better His yoke is easy and burden light! Somewhere amidst the conversation came the ideal metaphor: we have such huge bulky burdens compared to God’s backpack. Put ours’ down and pick His up!

  3. Avocados – contains Avocatin B which regulates insulin sensitivity. Decline Merkins on benches
  4. Green-tipped Bananas – Rich in resistant starch. Pre-biotic fiber, low glycemic, great for gut bacteria. We miss those healthy advantages as we allow them to sit on the counter and turn full yellow. Factoid: bananas age each other due to ethylene gas, so keep them separate. Skull Crushers w/coupons, off the bench
  5. “S” Fish – sardines, wild salmon, scallops. NOT tuna, grouper, snapper which can be high in mercury – BAD for your brain. Coupon Carry Back to shed
  6. High quality grass-fed beef – totally different than grain fed meat. More nutrients, Omega 3 fatty acids (Note: Omega 6 BAD from grain-fed beef) Mosey back to pavilion for dips
  7. Organic blueberries – loaded with bioflavonoids, increase fat burning, wild (smaller) blueberries better if you can get them. Step-ups 25 per leg
  8. Nuts & Seeds – pistachios, walnuts, etc, – protein, healthy fats, fiber. Try Avoid those with flavors added. Mosey to playground for 30 second dead hang/10 Hand release Derkins
  9. Beans & Lentils – great soluble fiber, lower your cholesterol, Vegan Chili is a fun one. Look for organic as they probably don’t use pesticides.
  10. Organic Salad Greens – prepackaged, triple-washed, organic. With salt, pepper, olive oil, etc, hard-boiled eggs.

Unfortunately we ran out of time to exercise for the last 2 foods though we discussed them on the way back to the shovel flag.

CoR, NoR, prayers and praises. Wrapped with a pic by the shovel flag.


In the process of preparing the beatdown, YHC was intrigued by the Chia Pudding recipe. So, being the consummate foodie, I opted to make some for coffeteria, certain to include 4 foods from the list: chia seeds, blueberries, green-tipped bananas, and nuts. I sweetened it with Stevia instead of syrup. When finished, we went to Panera Bread for coffee & Hot Shot’s Q Source discussion. Always rare and well done!

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